Friday, 9 February 2018

It's Fasnacht!

Manor has given up it's top floor to a scene of fancy dress craziness and there is a wealth of weird and wonderful costumes, masks and accessories right across town. It can only mean one thing. Yes, it's time for Fasnacht! Now, this particular seasonal event is a bit of a Marmite thing - you either love it or hate it. And boy, do we love it.

The Swiss love their traditions and carnivals and this all comes together nowhere better than at Fasnacht, which is great fun, the outfits are incredible - and sometimes rather scary - and all spectators are encouraged to dress up too.

Many of the characters in the parade are mischevious, throwing confetti over people, stealing accessories out of their hair and I have even seen a few teenagers picked up, slung over a shoulder and buried in a wagon of confetti! It is all great fun – everyone has a ball and my girls absolutely love it. Best of all, it is my eldest daughter’s birthday at the end of February so it always feels like an extension of her own celebration.

Bassersdorf Fasnacht takes place this weekend, with the large procession starting at 2.30pm.

Fasnacht officially begins in Winterthur with the Ham feast, kicking off a week long period of different, and sometimes rather surreal, events - including a three day and night party for those who can still party big time! But the highlight is definitely the large carnival which takes place through the city centre this year on Sunday, 18th February at 14:14 punkt.

There is also a Kinder Umzug at 2pm the following day - something we have never seen because in the past my daughters have been at school so we are looking forward to catching up with this one too this year.

And then of course if you can brave the crowds there is the mother of all Fasnacht carnivals in Basel, hailed as one of Europe's top 50 local festivals, details here.