Friday, 2 December 2016

And lo and behold - a sparkly Christmas Tree!

Well, knock me down with a feather duster! Just a fortnight ago I was chatting to a fellow choir member in my local village Singengruppe about how lovely it would be to have a carol singing event in the village square at Advent. I said we could of course gather around the little tree which is resident in the centre of the square, under which benches nestle but it would be great if we could have a nice big Christmas tree to stand around, something which, since I have lived here, has never featured in the village.

And lo and behold, only a few days later, I spied a group of people putting lights on a beautiful new Christmas tree in the square! And last Sunday we were invited to go along and help make some decorations and decorate it. It was so enjoyable. And the Gemeinde had even provided a gorgeous, little ride for the children, powdered by a burning furnace, free of charge.

I am now starting to wonder if I can wiggle my nose and make more great things happen around me...


  1. LOVE this! :-)
    In our village the town maintenance workers, in cooperation with the firefighters, do the decorating. How nice to involve the citizens!
    And of course I love how you make things happening around you! Carry on!

  2. Haha thanks Tamara. How lovely though it is still such a community thing in your village too. I'll keep wiggling :D

  3. Replies
    1. Indeed they do Tara! Although there are a few others I am still waiting on ;D
