Thursday 25 October 2018

Winterthur Jungkunst Weekend

Anyone visiting Zurich HB must be familiar with the posters featuring a greyhound with a red wig blowing in the breeze. An iconic image if ever there was one! Well, it's all about a big weekend-long Festival of Young Artists taking place in Winterthur this weekend, starting today.

In Halle 53 (five minutes walk from Winti HB) there will be lots going on, with art installations and even a special performance from the Musiccollegium Winterthur.

Times of opening:

Thursday 4pm - midnight
Friday: 4pm until 1am
Sat: 11am - 1am
Sun: 11am - 6pm

Admission is 15fr and children go free. Dogs are welcome and anyone bringing a Greyhound (wig optional) can get in for free!


  1. Hi Sarah!
    I liked the article about you in the dorfblitz... My question: I'm female, Swiss, almost forty something living in your village and like museums and art - I enjoy your blog and your outlook on life and your curiosity and the nice paintings. Are you perhaps interested in a language-tandem? We could meet every other week and talk one half of it (Swiss-)German, the other English and discuss writing problems, grammar etc… (I’ve done that twice and it’s my favorite way of learning a language).
    Contact me via ma E-Mail, if you’re interested and I tell you more!

    1. Hi! Yes, please, that would be wonderful! I look forward to meeting you :)

    2. I'm struggling to bring up your email. Could you please drop me a line on: sarahegerton22(at) Thanks!
