Saturday 7 July 2018

Come on England!

I am loving the World Cup this year. Well, okay, I always love World Cup time but this one seems to be the most exciting yet, with so many big surprises and emotion, coupled with sublime football prowess to the foulest play I have ever seen – oh and of course lots of last minute excitement.

Throw in a fantastic local pub, with great, cheap beer, fives minutes walk from the house to view the excitement alongside my adopted Swiss ‘family’ and yep, it’s tip top this time round.

And England have made it to the Quarter Finals! What a surprise! And with Brazil going out last night…dare I hope…

Double whammy, headlining with the England match today, I get to enjoy the first official gig for Gray. It’s going to be great – what a day. The only downside is that Gray starts gigging at the same time England kicks off – so he’s not best pleased, to put it mildly. We’ve just been discussing the hand gestures so I can update each goal while he’s playing. Hope I don’t get that wrong. Now, was England my right or left hand…

Watching last night's Brazil v Belgium game with my friend Maria

Setting up Stallrock in the village this morning


  1. Good times, ey? Plus England made it to the semi-finals, well done! I see either England : France or England : Belgium at the end.

    Enjoy your FIFA 2018 summer!
