Friday 29 March 2019

Caravan in the woods

I somehow managed to drag myself out of bed early on Sunday morning to go into the woods with Bebe, my youngest, to pick some wild garlic for pesto which she has been making with her Pfadi group - and it is delicious (although potent!)

She loves to get up and go out early when there is no-one else around and usually I fight it, especially on a Sunday when all I want to do is snuggle up in bed and read a good book, but every now and again I think it is important to indulge her - and I never, ever regret it.

It was a beautiful morning, not a cloud in the sky. The most amazing thing was the fresh, clean, crisp air which hit us as soon as we stepped outside.

It was pretty magical, we heard several cuckoos tap, tap, tapping on tree trunks and the forest school's caravan stood in the spotlight of the dappled early morning sunshine, making me reach for my camera - see picture. The caravan houses all the tools for the forest group - and there is some serious stuff in there for the children's activities, such as drills and chainsaws! It's a lovely area, with specially built areas for play and instruction. Bebe spent an entire year out there in 'forest school' before starting at Primary. And this love of nature and the Great Outdoors will never leave her.


  1. I think that it's important to spend some time in nature. It's relaxing and regenerative.

  2. Definitely. It's especially important to seek it out these days with so much noise all around us.
